Mini-Post: Post-Weekend

I just got back from a long weekend attending a wedding back in my hometown. It was lovely. The wedding, I mean. The drama that inevitably erupts anytime I attempt to spend time with my family was categorically un-lovely. Do you people have functional families?  Anyone? Bueller?


Those with normal families raise your hands!

A few things I am left with:

  1. I love my child, but holy shit I cannot look after him full time. He is getting too big to manhandle but still wants to be held by me and only me. My back is killing me, and I have BITE MARKS. Yes, this is Chick’s latest way of expressing that he is tired. I mean, I get cranky when I’m sleepy but biting is not okay. Like ever. Today, I never felt better about dropping him off at daycare.
  2. After a weekend in small town/suburbia, I want to buy a house. Bad. I have loved city living for the past 15 years, but I need a nest to call my own. Also realized that moving out West is likely not happening soon, for other reasons I won’t go into now. Good reasons, like an impending promotion. In the meantime, I yearn for a yard.
  3. Came back to a job a generally love, but man… its days like this I wish I were an archivist at a tiny presidential library for someone no one cares about, like James Polk or Chester Arthur. I want to retreat into my brain and have no one talk to me for a few days. The bonus of being surrounded by dusty books and handling antiquities with care… swoon.


  1. thebarrenlibrarian · September 13, 2016

    #3 is basically my dream job and my degree is in special collections….but there’s like three of those jobs in the country. Sigh.

    • thecommonostrich · September 14, 2016

      I swear I was a librarian in a past life. Related: all librarians I know are complete badasses. Is that part of your training?

      • thebarrenlibrarian · September 14, 2016

        Yes, yes it is. Though in all honesty, it’s not for the faint of heart. I’ve broken up fights, cleaned up blood, apprehended more than one thief…’s definitely not the little old biddy job that people think it is…

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